We are so excited to welcome to the world our newest little granddaughter. She was born yesterday, Jan 30/2017 and she was a tiny 5lbs. 13 oz. and 19.5 inches long. she was born in Williams Lake, BC. Although she came a bit early (about 3 weeks) and came quickly with an emergency c-section we are so happy that she is healthy and so is our wonderful surrogate mom, Andrea Wilson. I don't know the words to express our gratitude for this wonderful, kind woman. She has been determined from the start of the process to be able to carry a baby for Jolayne and Dave. She suffered through 2 failed attempts which are difficult not only for Jo and Dave but for her as well. It would have been very easy for her to say no to trying again but she persevered and we are beyond grateful. Andrea, we love you for giving us this gift. May you be forever blessed for your charitable heart. I know we are.
Jolayne was by Andrea's side during the surgery but Dave had to fly in from Edmonton and missed it.
Here he is --holding his daughter for the first time.