Wednesday, February 17, 2016


Had a short visit yesterday with this wonderful man, Guiseppe Signorile.  He is an artist and is now very crippled with age and can't do much but he did two pictures for us and signed them and insisted we take them home. He is 89 years young and loves to have the missionaries come for a visit.
We also took a lady to the dentist last week and she gave us a large card that her husband had made--a relief paper cutting of Ostuni. Beautiful!  The Italian people are so kind and generous.  If you do something for them, they want to give back 10 times more.


  1. that card is crazy! birthday coming in oct

  2. that card is crazy! birthday coming in oct

  3. Oh man, I love that old guy, he is so cute! I want to visit him! I also would like to make friends with the card people, I really want one. Haha
