Monday, June 27, 2016

Zip line!!

We were so happy to have Jolayne and Dave come to see us in Italy.  They spent one week with us in Bari and one week traveling with us to the Amalfi coast, Pompei and Rome.  One of the things Jolayne insisted on us doing was a zip line located just a short distance from our home.  I didn't think too much about it because heights don't scare me too much.  Was I ever in for a surprise!  The zip line was from one town's mountain to another town's mountain!  From Castelmessano to Pietrapertosa.  This is what they advertise:

 The ticket includes round-trip flight on two different lines whose slopes are respectively 118 and 130 meters.

The first, known as "San Martino" line, starts from Pietrapertosa (altitude 1020 mt) and arrives in Castelmezzano (arrival altitude 859 m) after covering 1415 meters with the top speed of 110 km / h.

The "Peschiera" line starts from Castelmezzano (altitude 1019 meters) and arrives in Pietrapertosa (arrival altitude 888 mt), covering 1452 meters with the top speed of 120 k

What can i say--it is fast and EXTREMELY HIGH!  Jolayne had a go-pro on her helmet and we went tandem just so she could video my reaction--unfortunately she didn't get much--just me with a look on my face like these are the last moments of my life!

This is the road we drove on to get to it.

This is us plunging to sure death--Jolayne sure looks happy--she thinks this is fun!!
This is us after the experience--Very happy that it's all over with.  Chris, Dave and Jolayne could have gone again and again.
Beautiful little towns built on the sides of the mountain

This picture was taken after our ride--someone got stuck halfway across and someone had to rescue them.  So glad I saw this after and not before!

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